5 Need-To-Know Video Editing Tips for New Business Owners
Have you ever browsed YouTube videos, clicked on something that seemed interesting, then clicked right off because something seemed off?
This is because you’ve got only one-tenth of a second to make an impression. So it’s important to make every frame of your business’s videos count. Otherwise, users will be clicking off your videos too.
In this article, we’ll go over 5 video editing tips you should know as a new business owner.
1. Use Transitions
Going from one shot to another without transitions can be jarring, so don’t skip this tip! In fact, it’s one of our best video editing reel tips, as you can piece together multiple clips smoothly.
Most video editing software will have several transitions you can choose from, even if they’re basic programs. So make sure you insert these transitions to give your viewers a more seamless experience.
2. Learn Keyboard Shortcuts
You’ll probably be editing your video for hours on end, so make it easier on yourself by learning keyboard shortcuts right off the bat. This can save your wrist and fingers so you don’t end up with carpel tunnel.
3. Crop Out Visual Distractions
A cluttered background won’t do you any favors. Instead of focusing on the speaker and what they’re saying, users will be looking at that messy table in the back with papers strewn all over it.
If you’ve already shot the video and everything’s perfect but that, not to worry. You can easily use a video crop app to center the footage on just the people, nothing else. If you’re looking for simple video editing tips, then you’ve got it right here!
4. Perform Color Correction
You might’ve had great lighting when you shot the video. But on your computer, it just doesn’t look quite right.
Even if things look perfect, play around with color correction to see if you can make improvements. This is also important to do across multiple clips because some might be brighter or darker than the others. Color correction can make everything look uniform and consistent throughout the video.
5. Always Keep a Backup Copy
While you’re working on your video, always keep at least one backup copy. This ensures that if you mess up or accidentally delete your current file, you won’t lose hours of work.
To be extra safe, you should save one copy on a USB stick, one on the cloud, and one on your computer. That way, if one backup fails, you’ll have an extra to work from.
Outsourcing video editing provides business owners with a range of benefits. It allows them to save time and resources by delegating editing tasks to skilled professionals. This enables the owners to focus on core business activities, enhance productivity, and meet deadlines. Outsourcing also offers access to diverse talent and expertise, resulting in high-quality videos that engage and attract customers.
Try Out These Video Editing Tips
Your videos will make a lasting impression on consumers. So you don’t want them to look sloppy and unprofessional.
By putting just a little extra work into your media, you’ll see a huge difference in quality. With our video editing tips, you’ll be able to make your videos look pristine, which will impress and attract new customers!
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